Monday, January 12, 2015

Creative Writing Project: My 1984 Fan Fiction

1984 FanFic

The year is 1984. That’s as much as I know. My name is Nikita Ortoff, but most people call me Nik. I am a soldier of Eurasia and this is my journal. I am currently stationed in Africa fighting with Oceania forces. I do not know how long this alliance will last. But it will probably end soon. For now though, I cannot worry about it, I must be able to fight. Hopefully, I will last long enough to make it back home to a soldier’s celebration.
“Ortoff! Ortoff where are you?”
Nikita pulled his hands away from his keyboard and stood. A man named Lazar walked into his tent. Lazar was a tall powerful man, with a short military haircut. His large jaw made his head look almost rectangular, which is what he has become known for. “There you are Ortoff,” Lazar said with a hearty chuckle, “our new alcohol rations have arrived, come, have a drink with me!” Lazar also happened to be Nikita’s best friend.
“Fine, fine, if it will make you happy you block head,” Nikita laughed standing up from his desk. If this military camp were more formal, Nikita could actually have shot Lazar for barging into his tent, being the superior officer. But Nikita was never one for formalities, as he lied to the military about the soldiers’ alcohol rations being destroyed in a fire last week. Nikita slapped his friend’s arm as they walked out into the hot, North African air. Nikita and Lazar walk to the commerce tent and get two small bottles of liquor.
“So tell me, Ortoff, when are we going to win this war? You are the colonel,” Lazar said twisting the cap off of his bottle and taking a long drag. 
“As I told you before, Lazar, it is hard to tell. We’ve yet to make any large pushes, in fact the most recent map shows Eastasia is actually pushing us back. Oceania has yet to actually provide any of the aid they have promised. I swear as soon as this war is over we’re going to find their knife in our back once again. Quote me on that Lazar,” Nikita said taking a small sip of liquor. 
Lazar laughed and sat on the hood of a jeep. “Come now, Nik, we must show compassion to our Allies who oh so selflessly switched sides once Eastasia brought their reinforcements.”
“I’ll show compassion once an Oceania soldier fights beside me. I want to go home, I’m tired of all of this sand, we deserve better than this Lazar,” Nikita said picking up a submachine gun out of the jeep, “We fight and fight, and for what? Stale alcohol and sand.”
Lazar laughed again and pointed at Nikita with a finger gun. “Oceania’s always been useless, their soldiers are underweight and have little to no training, and they’re as much use as my finger gun in battle.”
Nikita laughed as well. “You’d think they’d send the soldiers who could actually fight. I read a report that an Oceania platoon fired upon itself after the men were woken by an explosion!”
The two men laughed as old friends. Through the many battles they’ve seen they’ve yet to find an Oceania soldier best any Eurasian. When they heard that Oceania said they were switching sides they merely scoffed, it was always easy to forget the “super” state of Oceania. There were reports by spies that the country prided themselves by being the strongest military power in the world, and that a train of Eastasia soldiers were paraded through the country to show the “Oceania Dominance.” Little did Oceania’s people know, those Eastasia soldiers were civilians their military captured and dressed up in old uniforms. Nikita would always shake his head in disbelief at how contorted the Oceania country was. While it was no secret that the world was hurt and crippled, it was not nearly as bad as Oceania claimed it was. The inner party even said that things were as good as it got in Oceania, even though the masses there are starving.
Nikita sighed and looked at his boots. This world was almost broken and it was hanging by a thread. Africa was the last of the unclaimed territories. With the oil in the deserts, they could power an army for generations. Whoever claimed this desolate spot of land would win the war. But Nikita’s train of thought was broken by a ground shaking explosion. He looked to the direction of the explosion and saw bodies and debris fly into the air. “We’re under attack!” Nikita screamed. 
Hundreds of soldiers began rushing around and grabbing guns. Nikita and Lazar ran towards the explosion and saw Eastasia soldiers running into the camp. Nikita dropped behind another jeep and started firing into the mass of soldiers. Lazar followed suit and soon the two were killing soldier after solider. Nikita would grab ammo magazines from the jeep occasionally throwing one to Lazar as the two felled soldier after soldier. Soon more and more bullets began to fly as more men arrived from both sides. After an hour both sides were at a stalemate and bodies littered the ground on both sides. Lazar had taken a bullet to his leg and he rested against a wall holding a bloody cloth onto his leg and a bullet whizzed past Nikita’s face, piercing his ear and deafening one side of his head. “Hold your ground!” Nikita yelled.
As he said that a grenade flew overhead and landed in a large gathering of Eastasia soldiers. “What…?” Nikita turned and saw Oceania soldiers running to them. At first he smiled, glad to finally have soldiers on his side. Then blood burst from his chest as a bullet hit him. He was throw against the Jeep and everyone around him began yelling. The Oceania soldiers began firing upon everyone. Soon the sheer number of Oceania soldiers overwhelmed both sides and bodies laid everywhere. Nikita sat against the jeep struggling to breath, blood soaking his uniform. He looked over and saw Lazar’s body lying in the sand, a bullet hole in his forehead. Oceania soldiers began to withdraw as suddenly as they appeared. Every now and then a stray gunshot could be heard. Nikita looked up in the sky and planes flew above him. On the other side of camp large explosions were heard shaking the ground beneath him. A large mushroom cloud appeared on the horizon and light soon blinded him.

A great victory in Africa as Oceania’s navy snuck behind the Eastasia bases and destroyed them with rockets and bombs. Thousands of prisoners were taken. Unfortunately for Oceania’s ally, Eurasia, all of their camps were wiped out by Eastasia which has broken the atomic disarmament treaty.

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