Friday, February 21, 2014

Mike Shinoda: Final Draft

Final Draft

The crowds scream. It rattles my bones. I stand on the stage as the guitar screeches, the drums bang, and the bass roars. The static electricity in the air sparks to an unearthly level as the undeniably loud crowd grows even louder. With every beat and every syllable I sing the energy grows.  Chester beside me roars, unleashing the anger held inside. Rob sets the base of the song, creating the beat. Brad and Dave set power to the song with their guitars. Chester gives it flexibility between the loud screams and melodic singing. Joe from the back adds an ethereal feel, and then I, Mike Shinoda, top it all off adding in the second guitar during the chorus, creating the music only we can create. The medley of sounds gets everyone on their feet. I feel as if I can see them all. Their hands wide open, as if they’re trying to steal as much of the experience as they can. As the chorus ends I drop the pick and guitar and pick up the microphone, spitting the rap verses to make it our sound; to make it our signature.

                The show ends and we file through the back. The benefit concert was successful and the funds will go to the Haiti relief effort. In the back, we hardly have time to sit; we’re rushed onto the bus to get to the next concert. The next show, that’s how life is. I pick up a pen and pad to start writing. Being Mike Shinoda is a full time job, everyone’s counting on me to either fail or succeed, so either way, it has got to be good. I’ve got to give the people a show.

                You’d think it’d be difficult being like I am. High expectations, not only from the fans, but from critics, people who expect me to fail. Hours upon hours logged onto the bus, and then, after days of travel, I will have to give them a show. But, you know what? I’m used to it. I’m surrounded by good friends, good people, and good intentions. No matter what happens, I’ve made my mark. I’ve made a legacy, not only with my music, but with my art, with my school, with my son. I’m no hero, but I’m doing the work I love, the work I think that’s doing some good. So I might goof off now. I might laugh and have fun, but nothing will change. I’ll make music, and I’ll have to fight off the critics with two fists, and I’ll have to stand up when I get knocked down. So say what you want to say, try and put me down. But I won’t stay down, I’ll get back up. I’ve been down before, it’s nothing to me. Because I’m Mike “Kenji” Shinoda, because I’ve been at the bottom, and I can fight my way back to the top if I have to. I’m no one hit wonder, I’m no joke, and I’m no weakling. I’m not going to give up, and I’m on top. I’m Mike Shinoda, and I’m waiting up here for you.
This is a final draft to an assignment in my creative writing class. It was supposed to be a poem from the point of view of Linkin Park and Fort Minor lead vocalist, Mike Shinoda, but turned into something else. Enjoy.